
Louise and Joseph met many years ago while they were both working at a photo studio in Montreal. In 1975, they purchased their photography studio, marking the beginning of their journey as internationally renowned artists. Since then, they have consistently invested in their profession leading them to a prolific career…

  • Louise and Joseph’s reputation has reached many borders; in the last 35 years, they have been invited in many countries such as;  in France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Austria, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Martinique, Canada, and the United States as Eastman Kodak Pro Mentors.
  • They have both earned their Craftsmen and Masters of Photography titles in Québec, Canada and the U.S
  • Together, Louise and Joseph have been named Canada’s Photographer of the Year 7 times since 1979
  • They are members of Cameracraftsmen of America
  • Joseph received the American Society Fellowship in 2005
  • Louise and Joseph have earned approximately 50 trophies in Canada, have multiple loan collections registered in Canada’s National Archives as well as with the Professional Photographers of America, and have earned various KODAK Gallery Award
  • They published their first book of images in 2004
  • Louise andJoseph have also received The National Citation from the CMPQ (Corporation des Maîtres Photographes du Québec) in 2011
  • Several awards and subsequent world trophy.

” A piece of time for those we love”
Louise and Joseph Simone
Internationally renowned portrait artists

Simone portrait ‘s team

And now…

Their journey has led them to explore new avenues in which the representation of their subjects differs. Graphic shapes, colors and light explode. This marks the birth of a new visual art combining digital photography, painting and different media such as pigmented inks on an aluminium surface.

Their art is unique as are Joseph and Louise Simone. Come visit this unparallelled exhibit rich in colour and light, worthy of  world-renowned great masters.


Louise and Joseph Simone




Ginette Laforest is a self-taught professional photographer from Montreal who began her career in 1983.

It was in 1989 that she met her lover Daniel Sabourin and together they shared their affinity for the image.

The “Ginette Laforest photographer” and “Daniel Sabourin photographer” studios merge to become “Laforest & Sabourin”.

It is through the observation of light and composition that their complicity is expressed. Through an authentic and vibrant approach, they capture real moments of life, thus translating into images the emotion they feel. Always on the lookout for new technologies, they were pioneers of the digital transition.

International speakers, they have been invited to share their knowledge in France, Belgium and Germany, not to mention numerous conferences and photography workshops in Quebec and Canada. They were also, on many occasions, judges for various photographic competitions over the years.

In July 2021, Ginette lost the one who was her daily accomplice, Daniel died of cancer, the day before his 70th birthday.

Today, Ginette explores mediums and combines textures in an amalgam where photography and painting merge. An idea that had taken shape in his imagination years before and is constantly evolving. It is with this in mind that she develops an even more personalized vision of photography, expressing herself with intensity and emotion, becoming a work of art and leaving its mark in time.

Ginette Laforest

Franck Lecrenay professional photographer installed with his wife since 1992.


*2023 //GOLDEN CAMERA – 1st European place (FEP) digital creation category.

*Major Excellence photographer of the promotion of Portraitists of France in 2009

*Master Qualified European Photographer MQEP in November 2015.

Speaker in Riga, Latvia – June 2014

Speaker and guest at the convention of Quebec photographers in March 2015 in Trois-Rivières.

Speaker in Prague, Czech Republic – April 2023

Speaker in Vannes, France at the national convention of professional photographers FFPMI – April 2023

Trainer since 2005 through 150 training sessions of 16 hours to date.

2022 // Member of the French team for the 2022 World Cup (WPC).

2021 // Judge for the 2021 World Cup (WPC).

2020 // European Judge (FEP) Photographer of the year.

2013 // Member of the French team for the 2013 World Cup (WPC).

2012 // Creator of the MPPF competition (GNPP).

2011-2023 // European competition judge for the FEP (Federation of European Photographers).

2011 // Opening of Studio Franck Lecrenay in Condé sur Sarthe (61).

2007 // Opening of Studio Franck Lecrenay in Alençon (61).

1992 // Installation in Sées (61) Studio Espacimage.

1983-1992 // Employee then executive at the Chaillou studio (61).

1980-1983 // Apprenticeship at the Chaillou studio and CAP Photographer (61).


2023 //GOLDEN CAMERA – 1st European place (FEP) digital creation category.

2022 // Gold Medal for French Professional Photography (MPPF).

2019 // Gold Medal for French Professional Photography (MPPF).

2015 // Title of MQEP, Master Qualified Photographer (FEP).

2014 // 3 AWARDS: portrait, sport, wedding. FIOF Orvieto Italy.

2013 // Member of the French team at the WPC World Cup (World Photographic Cup).

2012 // 7 AWARDS: portrait and wedding. FIOF Orvieto Italy.

2011 // _ Title of QEP, Qualified European Photographer (FEP).

2010 //

_ 3 AWARDS: portrait and wedding. FIOF Orvieto Italy.

_ 2nd in the Photographs of the Year competition.

2009 //

_ Title of Portraitist of France Excellence Major (1st of the class).

_ 1 AWARD: wedding. FIOF Orvieto Italy.

_ 2nd national FUJI/GNPP wedding prize.

2007 // 3rd National FUJI/GNPP Wedding Award.

2006 // Title of Master Craftsman.

2005 // Title of Portraitist of France (GNPP).

2001 // Title of Portraitist of France (GNPP).

2000 // Winner of the Lauriers de l’Artisanat.

1998 // Title of Portraitist of France (GNPP).

1995 // Title of Portraitist of France (GNPP).


Franck Lecrenay
63t rue d’alençon, 61250 Condé sur Sarthe

+33 6 42 03 32 71




JOURNEY OF A PASSIONATE Julie Robillard MPA, SPA and Master Photographer Emeritus

36 years of profession in photography and the dawn of the 60th anniversary of the family business.

It was in 1986, still studying photography, that her story of passion began with her profession in the world of photography. Her multidisciplinary talent is already acknowledged, because with her passion for the arts, she has made her own discipline, that of coating photography, retouching and editing, which she puts at the service of more than 400 photographers in Quebec, through the laboratories and her business creation “Retouche-Atout”

Miracle Department.

She quickly became a reference for photographers in Quebec and Canada, companies such as Fuji and Kodak, solicited her to give conferences and representation across Canada. In 2001, a major speaker at U2K in Alberta, she accomplished her language challenge by giving her first conference in English, after 3 months of intensive English conversation classes to broaden her horizons.

Three times Photographer of the Year in Quebec. More than fifty prestigious prizes, in Quebec, Canada and even in the United States, have been won by the photography competition.

Recipient of awards for her entrepreneurial functions at Génération Avenir and the Prix

Distinctions from the Chamber of Commerce also earned her participation until the second round in the Mercuriales Provinciale in 2004.

Founder of 5 companies over the past 30 years, Julie combines a seasoned experience of entrepreneurship and the challenges that each of her companies has brought her.

  • Retouching-Atout “Department of Miracles” 1994-2010 (editing and retouching service)
  • Room in Town, In town 1994-sold (room rental for autonomous)
  • Photographers RobiArt alias Studio Robillard, business succession 2002-today
  • History of Match, business 2007-sold (Theme evening for singles Provincial tour)
  • Granby Centr’Art 2008-2011 Gallery and multidisciplinary arts training center

Determined, passionate and with a sense of productivity, she makes you want to follow her projects.

She was able to help more than a hundred photographers make the switch from film to digital from 1996 to the 2000s.


Being in business is a… and her active participation in various associations has marked her career. Her leitmotif, “Given to the next”… It is not surprising to know that about fifteen photographers since the 90s, gravitate around her to be evaluated and have advice in the field of photography. Her experience led her in 2002 to become a mentor for the Granby Chamber of Commerce until 2008, when she took a break and returned in 2014 to the group of CCHYR mentors.

Alongside her profession, a remarkable presence in the professional association of

Professional Photographers of Quebec since 1991, her determination has continually taken up the challenges of change and advancement in the world of photography. Active member and involved on the boards of directors, she was the first woman to serve 2 terms as president of the CMPQ, which led her to the position of executive secretary of the Photographers Professionals from Canada, despite the language challenge. Director of GA and the RFAQ and collaborator of several associations and organizations in the region over the past 30 years.

Julie is an example to follow in the business world through her notoriety, her desire to always be on the lookout for the latest technologies, her ability to recover from hard knocks and to be able to analyze the good moves and the less good in order to better distribute in larger projects and quite simply because she is an inspiring person both in the business world and in everyday life!

Her entrepreneurial audacity, her presence in the advancement of the business world, her professionalism in all respects, her involvement with business groups and business mentoring have undoubtedly led the last 10 years on the benches of school in damage insurance and finance.

In 2023, her career follows in parallel a job that expresses her dedication throughout her career as an account manager in financing for companies. A proud employee of Desjardins Group for nearly 5 years, she accompanies these entrepreneurs in the pursuit of their dreams !


Julie Robillard



Pierre Delaunay professional photographer in Ruffec for 40 years the city where he was born in 1962, like Obelix he fell  in the potion called “revelator” (parents photographers).

Humanist and social photographer, through his sensitivity, he translates in his images the emotion that emerges from the characters.

Many times awarded as a portraitist, he exhibits his works in France and also abroad.

Trainer, judge and international lecturer, he is one of the founders/organizers of the photo-reportage festival Barrobjectif (16)

In 2003, he received a QEP (Qualified European Photographer) in Marriage and, in 2005,

Became the first French MQEP (Master Qualified European Photographer)

It was in Brussels in June 2012 that he was awarded his second MQEP and a third in

Derby in England in June 2015.


1981: C.A.P photography

1995: Portraitist of France (5 titles)

1996: AGFA Black and White Grand Prix

1999: ILFORD Black and White Jury Prize

2002: Golden Objective Reportage Trophy

2003: Qualified European Photographer (Brussels)

2004: Objectif de Rubis (3rd in the summer of Bourbon-Lancy Portraits)

2004: Speaker at the international convention of Orvieto (Italy)

2004: Speaker at the international convention of Antwerp (Belqique)

2005: 2 special mentions Award Orvieto (Italy)

2005: Master Qualified European Photographer (1st Frenchman to receive the title)

2006: 3rd cat. Reportage at the Professional Fotografia Awards Orvieto (Italy)

2006: Speaker at the international convention of Avilés (Spain)

2007: 3rd prize for Creativity Fuji wedding photo competition

2008: 5 Bronze Awards Orviéto fotografia (Italy)

2009: 1 Bronze Award Orviéto fotografia (Italy)

2009: Silver Objective National Convention of Montpellier

2009: 1 Arterre Prize “art competition”

2009: Speaker “Vive la France” in Belgium

2010: Speaker at the international convention of Naples (Italy)

2010: Bourbon-Lancy 3rd Age “Summer of Portraits” Trophy

2011: Speaker at the 2nd European Convention of FEP (Lyon)

2011: Speaker at the International Convention of Portugal

2011: 1 Silver and 2 bronze Awards Orviéto fotografia (Italy)

2011: Workshop in Holland (July)

2011: Honorable Mention PX3 Prize Paris Photography Prize

2011: 2 Silver Awards FEP European Professional

Photographer of the Year 2011

2012: 4th at the Silken Awards 2012 in Brussels (Belgium)

2012: 1 Award Gold 9 Awards Silver and 6 Bronze Orviéto fotografia (Italy)

2012: finalist at the FEP European Fine Art Photograph of the Year 2012

2012: 2 Nominations at the Black & White Spider Awards

2012: “Make a Memory” workshop in the Netherlands

2012: 2nd Master Qualified European Photographer

2012: Speaker at the International Convention of Belgium (Malle)

2012: Silver Medal at the Photography Medal

French Professional 2012

2012: 3rd at the Silken Awards 2013 in Brussels (Belgium)

2013: 3rd prize in the Canon “Le Monde de l’image” photo competition

2013: Speaker at the Masters convention Quebec photographers (Canada)

2013: Speaker and workshop at the FIOF Convention in Bareletta (Italy)

2013: 1 Silver Awards and 6 bronze 3rd in Portrait Orviéto fotografia (Italy)

2013: 3rd Prize of the Master Chef of Professional Photography 2013 (Tours)

2013: Speaker at the Inspiration Camp event by DFF (Copenhagen DK )

2013: FEP Facebook cover picture of the month – July

2013: 2 nominations at the Black & White Spider Awards

2013: 3 Bronze Medals at the Photography Medal

French Professional 2012

2013: French Judge of the 1st WPC Photography World Cup 15 judges in the World

2014: 2nd in the cover contest of Sortir Label Charente magazine

2014: 3rd in the Photographs of the Year 2013 competition cat: humaniste

2014: Speaker and workshop at the 2nd IPMGA Convention in Kolkata (India)

2014: 1 Bronze Award and finalist at the One Eyeland Awards 2013 competition

2014: 1 Award and 2 nominations at the Black & White Spider Awards

2014: 5 Medals at the French Professional Photography Medal 2014

2014: Speaker at the DFF Convention in Billund (Denmark)

2014: Speaker and workshop in Rome (Italy)

2015: finalist at the One Eyeland Awards 2014 competition

in categories People Children

2015: 2 Merits Awards from the FEP European Professional

Photographer of the Year Awards

2015: absolute victory Reportage and Sport 2 Awards Gold

and 1 Silver Award + 2 mentions

Reportage and 1 portrait mention at the FIOF Orviéto fotografia (Italy)

2015: Lecturer and workshop in Gumden

(convention of Austrian photographers)

2015: NWAC Workshop in Catania (Italy)

2015: Winner of the “humanist” category of the competition for

Photographs of the year

Member of the French team for the 2nd World Cup

of Photography WPC 2015

2015: 3rd Master Qualified European Photographer in Derby (GB)

2015: Honorable mention at the MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS

2015: 1 Medal at the French Professional Photography Medal 2015

2015: Guest of honor at the Montmorillon/Saulgé Photo Festival (Oct)

2015: 3 nominations at the Black & White Spider Awards

2015: exhibition at Espace ST Rémy in Bordeaux ( Photomage Nov )

2015: 1st place press/sports public prize PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris

2015: Bronze Award Children PX3 Prize Wedding Photography Prize Paris

2016: FEP Facebook cover picture of the month – January

2016: Finalist of the One Eyeland Photography Awards competition

Category People Lifestyle

2016: 4th in the Master Chef of Professional Photography (Rennes)

2016: absolute victory in the People category, 3 places

3rd in cat: Art, Portrait and People and an honorable mention

in Art at the FIOF Italy international Photography Awards

2016: “day of glory” exhibition in Orviteo (Italy)

2016: Top 10 in the FEP European photographer of the year 2016 competition

2016: Silver Camera at the FEP European photographer of the year 2016 in sport

2 distinction awards and 1 Merit award

2016: 2nd place in cat Children + 2 Honorable mention at the


2016: exhibition of artists “Rêves de Couleur” in Tusson (Metamorphosis)

2016: HONORABLE MENTION international Photo Awards IPA 2016

People, Lifestyle

2016: 2 Bronze Medals at the Professional Photography Medal

French 2016

2016: Speaker at the RDV. Let’s talk about photography (Montpellier)

2016: 3 nominations at the 11th Black & White Spider Awards

2016: Speaker at the Inspiration Camp Amsterdam (Netherlands)

2016: 3rd place at the 1st Tokyo International Foto Awards in

People wedding category

2017: Judge of the 4th WPC Photography World Cup 21 judges Yokohama (Japan)

2017: 3rd place at the “Master Chef de la Photographie” Chateaugiron (22)

2017: guest of honor at the 1st Monflanquin Photo Festival

2017: guest of honor at the 70th criterium of the Photo club of Orléans

2017: PX3 Prize for Photography, Paris 2017 with

1 Silver Winner Professional Press, Sports &

1 Honorable Mention Professional Press, Sports

2017: guest at the azimutés festival in UZES

2017 12th Annual Black & White Spider Awards Nomination

Beverly Hills in the Silhouette category

Workshop in Brussels October 2017

3rd in reporting (Bronze) and nominated in the same category at the

“French Photography Prize 2017

Member of the French team for the 5th WPC Photography World Cup 2018

2018: Judge the FEP European Professional Photographer of the

Year Awards 2018

2018: judge the Fotofinlandia (Finland)

2018: jury for Photographs of the Year 2018

2018: 11th International Color Awards just nominated me twice in the People category with “Grenn-Street” and Children of the World with “Calcuta”

2018: Speaker at the Inspiration Camp Tampere (Finland)

2018: 2 nominations at the 13th Annual Black & White Spider Awards

Portrait / Silhouette

2018: Speaker at Inspiration Camp Tbilisi (Georgia)

2019: Judge of the 6th WPC Photography World Cup (Denmark)

09.05.2019 Conference “Cepheus Park Randers”, Randers NV Denmark

2019: Speaker at stadium Renders (Denmark)

23_02_2019: Exhibition Calcutta India

2019: Judge QEP & MQEP in Prague

2019: nominated for the 14th Annual Black and White Spider

2019: Conference/workshop “The Light” Le Virolois Apprentice Center in Tourcoing

2020: French judge “European Professional Photographer of the Year”

2020: Conference at the Fundamentals of Andréa de Sète on January 19, 20 & 21

2020: 2 HONORABLE MENTION at the 13th International Color Awards

from Beverly Hills

2020: Winner at the 15th Annual Black & White Spider Awards with:

Honorable Mention in Portrait | Family

Nominee in People | TV

2020: Judge of the annual competition of the Federation of Photographers

Swedish Professional

2018-2021 Vice-President FFPMI French Federation of Photography and Image Professions

2021: French judge “European Professional Photographer of the Year”

2021: HONORABLE MENTION “People” at the 14th International Color Awards in Beverly Hills

2021: AAP Magazine B&W Photography Contest Winners and Merit Awards

2021: Bronze medal 9th ​​summer of Bourbon-Lancy Portraits

2021: 2 Mentions in Portrait at the 16th Black & White Spider Awards

2022: 3 nominations at the 15th International Color Awards in the category: Fine Art, People and Portrait

2022: 1 Award of Honor in Portrait at the 17th Black & White Spider Awards

2023: 1 Award of Honor and 2 nominations in Photojournalism at the International Color Awards


Pierre Delaunay
6 Rue de la Gaubert   16700 Barro  06 81 31 88 07

